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Age Verification

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Some states and countries have passed laws which require us to verify that you are 18 years of age or older in order to access our content.  This is a legal requirement if you are accessing our sexually explicit content from an IP from that state or country.


We use a service called VerifyMyAge, which makes the process fast and easy.  It is also 100% secure.  Once you have been verified, VMA does not keep any of your information.  It simply becomes an encryption that lets us know you have been verified.  To repeat, once you provide your identification, it no longer exists ANYWHERE in our or VMA's possession.  


If you have any issues with VMA, you can click the help/contact link at the bottom of the screen.  This will send VMA techs information to know what exactly is going on and they are generally able to help get you verified quickly and easily.  


If you are uncomfortable with this process, you are also able to send us an image of your state or government-issued ID that matches the name used on your credit card and has your date of birth showing you to be 18+ clearly listed.  We will then fully delete that image and mark you compliant.


If you have any issue with these laws, we urge you to vote or write your legislator.  We are simply complying with laws set up in your area.  

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